What we see…


I absolutely loved this photo that was circulating after Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first female US Vice-President only a few weeks ago. If we ever needed evidence that children copy and follow what they see, here it is. What a great reminder of how important what is shown on tv, in film, in the news is. Unfortunately, what we see is a lot of men as leaders, judges, lawyers, business powerhouses and not a lot of women - who are much more likely to be seen in the kitchen, looking after the kids, or in the bedroom. This driven, of course, by the reality that the creators, writers and editors of what we see are much, much more likely to be men.

All this is teaching all of us, girls and boys, women and men (without us even realizing we are absorbing it), what to expect from women and men.

So when we show young girls women looking sexy in bikinis, guess what we get.

But when we show them a women sworn in as Vice-President…




Is there anybody there?